About Us

After 11 years of side-by-side working in a dynamic, cheerful and insightful team, we decided to go further with our passion for media in the same magic formula.
We are so familiar with the media universe in Romania that even if you would wake us up in the middle of the night, we could tell you the price of a full page in any important publication or the perfect media mix for optimizing your budget.

Therefore, we are pretty sure that we know what media solutions you need in any phase of your business.

Contact us for a customized media offer!

We got awesome skills:

  • Proactivity
  • Consulting
  • Negotiation
  • Media planning
  • Media buying

Our Services

We know, we will, we can. And if we don’t know, we search out.
Fast and effective, because we know best that time is money.


Some interesting facts about us


years of experience

satisfied customers

projects implemented


Event Profit.ro – The Romanian real estate market under the specter of the Western crisis – 4th Edition

organized by


Event Profit Piața de Capital.forum Solutions for unfreezing markets and overcoming crises – 4th Edition

organized by


Event News.ro – Energy Road – Energy at your home – 6th Edition

organized by


Event Profit.ro – Investments vs. Deficit: Challenges and risks in the economy under the impact of debt and growing public deficits

organized by


Profit Health.forum Event – X-ray of health expenditure – 13th Edition

organized by


Eveniment News.ro – Romania’s macroeconomic and fiscal perspectives for 2024 – Second Edition

organized by


Event Profit Piața de Capital.forum Solutions for unfreezing markets and overcoming crises – 4th Edition

organized by


Profit Financial.forum Event – Financial markets, between the difficulties of the economy and the transformation for the future – 6th Edition

organized by


Event News.ro – FOCUS ON HR – 2nd Edition

organized by


GALA – Stories with Profit – Made in Romania

organized by


Profit E-COMMERCE Event: Re-establishing the market after years of spectacular growth – 4th Edition

organized by


Profit Energy.forum Event – The second winter of the energy war – 7th Edition

organized by


Event News.ro – ROINVEST – 4th Edition

organized by


Event Profit Piața de Capital.forum Solutions for unfreezing markets and overcoming crises – 3rd Edition

organized by


EU FUNDS Profit.ro & FirstBank Conference – We finance the digitization of Romania – Focus Brașov

organized by


Event Profit Health.forum – The Romanian health system – Efficiency, safety, barriers. 12th Edition

organized by


Event News.ro – Romania’s macroeconomic and fiscal perspectives for 2023

organized by


Profit.ro IMM Event – Solutions for survival in the crisis and opportunities for growth. 3rd Edition

organized by


Event Profit.ro & DPD Romania – E-Commerce Barometer. Why We Love Women e-Shoppers

organized by


EU FUNDS Profit.ro & FirstBank conference – Financing the relaunch of the economy

organized by


Profit Financial.forum Event – Financial Markets and the Challenges of New Crises – 5th Edition

organized by


Gala – Stories with Profit

organized by


Event Profit Health.forum – The Romanian medical system 15 years after joining the EU – 11-th Edition

organized by


Event Profit E-COMMERCE – Challenges for digital sales in the context of new economic difficulties

organized by


Profit Energy.forum Event – Challenges in the Energy Crisis – 6th Edition

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – ROINVEST – 3rd Edition

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – Energy Road – Energy in your home – 5th Edition

organized by


Event Profit.ro & DPD Romania e-Commerce Barometer. Challenges in times of crisis

organized by


Event Profit.ro – Romanian brands – Made in Romania post crisis

organized by


Event Profit.ro – The impact of the price crisis in the real estate market. 3rd Edition

organized by


Event Profit Capital market.forum – Stock market close to war

organized by


Event Profit Health.forum – The capacity of the medical system for post-Covid recovery and resilience. What lessons have we learned in the pandemic? 10th Edition

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – Focus on HR – HR in the time of Covid

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – My city – Home and office – 3rd edition

organized by


Videoconference Profit Health.forum – The health system, between the pandemic and the economic crisis. Where is the patient? 9th Edition

organized by


Videoconference Profit Financial.forum – We finance the restartof the economy – 4th Edition

organized by


Videoconference Profit.ro IMM – We are preparing for a way out of the crisis. 2-nd Edition

organized by


Videoconference Profit.ro Oil&Gas – Where are the Black Sea Gas when we most need it most?

organized by


Videoconference Profit E-commerce – The engines of growth in online commerce

organized by


Videoconference Profit Energy.forum – Post-Coronavirus Energy – 2nd Edition

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – Small and Medium Entreprises, oxygen for Romania – 2nd Edition

organized by


Profit.ro video conference – How the real estate market emerges from the Covid-19 crisis

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – ROINVEST – 2nd Edition

organized by


Videoconference Profit.Health Forum – The health system, a year of pandemic: achievements, failures, future

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – Energy Road – Energy in your home

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – Small and Medium Entreprises, oxygen for Romania

organized by


Videoconference Profit.ro – VISA – Digital transformation in public administration

organized by


Videoconference Profit.Health Forum – The SARS-Cov2 phenomenon. Seasonal flu. Vaccination

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – ROINVEST

organized by


Videoconference Profit Energy.forum – Post-Coronavirus Energy

organized by


Videoconference News.ro – Agriculture reloaded

organized by


Videoconference E-COMMERCE – New strategies on the pandemic retail market

organized by


Videoconference – Profit.ro Financial Forum: „We are financing the restart of the economy“

organized by


Videoconference – Romanian products in the fight with COVID-19

organized by


Videoconference – Energy in your home

organized by


Videoconference – New challenges for the real estate market in this context COVID-19

organizat de


Videoconference – Current pandemic COVID-19. Solidarity in the pandemic

organized by


The labor market, between crisis and reinvention

organized of


Profit Health.forum

organized of


Profit Energy.forum

organized of


News.ro – My City – Home and Office

organized of



Profit Health.forum – Serious health problems. How ill the system is?

organized of



Profit Financial.forum

organized by



Profit Energy.forum

organized by



Profit Health.forum – Health in Romania during the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

organized by



GALA Povești cu Profit – Made in Romania

organized by



We love Digital.forum

organizat de


Vindecarea sănătății. Viitorul încotro?

organizat de



Conferința Anuală a Asociației Trezorierilor din România

organizat de




Prevenirea și Combaterea Spălării Banilor

organizat de


Prevenirea fraudei în domeniul bancar, telecomunicații, asigurări și leasing

organizat de

Seminar – Cum să construiești un proces de achiziție „SĂNĂTOS‘‘?

organizat de


International Conference 2-nd Edition

Fraud & Compliance – The Way from Prevention to Deterrence

17 November 2016, Bucharest
organized by

ev-FRAUDA 17 nov

Seminar – Keep your Business SAFE. Know your Business Partner!

organizat de


Lumea Geospaţială

Conferinţa anuală a utilizatorilor de soluţii geospaţiale

organizat de

ev-lumea geospatiala

Seminar – Managementul Combaterii Spălării banilor, Finanțării Terorismului şi Conflictului de interese

De la Strategie la Implementare
organizat de

Seminar - Managementul Combaterii Spălării banilor, Finanțării Terorismului şi Conflictului de interese

Seminar – Prevenirea, Investigarea Și Combaterea Fraudelor În Domeniul Bancar, Leasing Și Asigurări

17-18 Mai, Brasov
organizat de

Seminar - Prevenirea, Investigarea Și Combaterea Fraudelor În Domeniul Bancar, Leasing Și Asigurări

Sales House



Sigla APCF pt site

Meet our team

Cristina Vișan


Adevărul/Adevărul de Week-end/Click/Click TV/Click pentru Femei/Click Sănătate/Click Poftă Bună/Dilema Veche/Historia/News.ro/Profit.ro
14 years of advertising sales experience in Print, Online, Events
4 years experience in IT sales
University of Communication and Public Relations – SNSPA Bucharest
tel: 0746.157.010

Dragoș Hrisafi


Adevărul/Adevărul de Week-end/Click/Click TV/Click pentru Femei/Click Sănătate/Click Poftă Bună/Dilema Veche/Historia/ News.ro/Profit.ro
23 years of advertising sales experience in TV, Print, Online, Events
University of Electronics and Telecommunications
tel: 0740.007.806

Luiza Ivașcu


Adevărul/Adevărul de Week-end/Click/Click TV/Click pentru Femei/Click Sănătate/Click Poftă Bună/Dilema Veche/Historia/News.ro/Profit.ro
14 years of advertising sales experience in Print, Online, Events
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Master “Communication Campaigns in Advertising and Public Relations”– FJSC Bucharest
tel: 0747.290.488

Dragoș Stan

Sales Director

Adevărul/Adevărul de Week-end/Click/Click TV/Click pentru Femei/Click Sănătate/Click Poftă Bună/Dilema Veche/Historia/
News.ro/Profit.ro/runfest.ro/ ridersclub.ro/tenispartener.ro/tenis10.ro/corporatesports.ro
19 years of advertising sales experience in Print, Online, TV, Events
Romanian-American University
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies
tel: 0742.100.630

Denisa Popșor

Advertising Sales Manager

OK! Mahazine/Click pentru Femei/Click Sănătate/ Click Poftă Bună/News.ro/Profit.ro
11 years of advertising sales experience in Print, Online, Events
University Artifex – Management and Marketing
Master in Communication and Public Relations – ASE
tel: 0730.660.149

Iulia Filip

Event Manager

Student at Hyperion University, School of Jurnalism
tel: 0774.593.636

Simona Tănase

DTP/Graphic Designer

25 years of experience in DTP – print, online Graphics, book layout
University of Letters “Spiru Haret” – English-Spanish
Master FJSC – Communication Campaigns in Public Relations and Advertising.
tel: 0740.946.190

Gina Pop

Customer Service Analyst

12 years of experience in financial analysis online and print media
University of Letters “Spiru Haret” Craiova – French-Italian
Master FJSC – Communication Campaigns in Public Relations and Advertising.
tel: 0730.660.250

Laura Sacagiu


Adevărul/Adevărul de Week-end/Click/Click TV/News.ro/Profit.ro
11 years of advertising sales experience in Print, Online, Events
University of Transilvania Brașov
Master “Image Campaign Management”

People do not buy goods and services.

They buy relations, stories and magic.

– Seth Godin –

Contact Us

Send us a message if you need customized media solutions.
We are looking forward to meeting you.


Eroare: Toate campurile sunt obligatorii!
Or you can visit us at the office. You can find us at WeLoveDigital Hub, a modern and very friendly co-working space with delicious coffee flavors.


Team Innovation Media SRL

17A Nicolae Bălcescu Avenue
1 District, ZIP code 010043, Bucharest

Phone numbers:
0746.157.010 – Cristina Vișan
0740.007.806 – Dragoș Hrisafi
0747.290.488 – Luiza Ivașcu
0742.100.630 – Dragoș Stan
0730.660.149 – Denisa Popșor
0740.946.190 – Simona Tănase
0730.660.250 – Gina Pop
