In Romania in 2019, major cities and adjacent metropolitan areas are being modernized by seeing new business, residential and logistics parks developing in both Bucharest and other urban agglomerations in the country.
New real estate development poles such as Grozaveşti, Nerva Traian, which develops strongly, are emerging in the capital, new projects being on the table of investors, which is also happening in other large municipalities such as Iaşi, Cluj, Timişoara , but also in other cities.
Such projects involve the involvement of developers, architects, builders, retailers, suppliers of building materials, services, utilities, and local government. There is a need for continued and sustained collaboration, supported by consultants and lawyers, to make the projects come true.
The biggest problem is urban agglomeration, and therefore infrastructure and utilities need to keep pace with a co-operation between public administration and private companies that takes into account the needs of the business and the citizen. In addition, some businesses are dependent on logistics areas to provide them with a fluent and efficient supply.
The bottom line is that development requires an adequate infrastructure and developers and investors together with utilities and utilities need to be part and have common plans to make the city a friendly environment both at home and at the office.
Date: 27 June 2019
Where: Hotel Radisson BLU, Atlas 2 Hall
Number of participants: 80-100
Moderator: Cristian Dimitriu
09.00-09.30 – Registration of participants & amp; Welcome coffee
09.30 – 09.35 – Welcome speech – Cristian Dimitriu
09.35 – 10.00 – Daniel SUCIU – Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Regional Development and Public Administration
10.00-11.30 – SESSION I: Smart cities – What will the cities look like in the future? Intelligent and Sustainable Development Models.
11.30-11.45 – Coffee Break
11.45-13.15 – SESSION II: Urban and metropolitan development trends. What do citizens and businesspeople want?
13.15 -14.00 – Business Lunch