Event News.ro – Energy Road – Energy at your home – 6th Edition

News.ro Event – Energy Road – Energy in your home – 6 Edition

News.ro’s traditional event, now in its sixth edition, organized in the context of the European energy policy and the effects of the war in Ukraine, which aims to trace the path of energy from the producer to your home, with the benchmarks taking into account the decisions of the authorities and companies that operates on the market, the goal being a better understanding of the field and the design of future solutions.
We want to talk about how Romania could become a regional hub in the field of energy, about ensuring energy independence (set as a national objective in the CSAT on March 1, 2022) and the transition to exporter status, about increasing production capacities, as well as changing the energy mix , with an emphasis on clean energy.


  • In the CSAT meeting of March 1, 2022, where the measures to be taken as a result of the war in Ukraine were analyzed, the achievement of Romania’s energy independence was set as the main strategic objective, mainly through the development of renewable and civil nuclear energy ;
  • A new national energy policy is necessary in the recent European context. This must take into account not only the energy production structure, energy efficiency and energy security, but also energy storage and the change in the consumption paradigm;
  • In addition, measures must be taken to ensure energy security in the context of EU programmatic lines aimed at decarbonization and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;
  • An important objective is the promotion of investments in the energy field, especially in the field of clean energy, aiming at the completion of Cernavodă reactors 3 and 4, the retechnology of unit 1 and the introduction of advanced nuclear technologies (SMR) in the context of the Romania-USA intergovernmental partnership;
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  • Energy production capacities must be increased and adapted to the new European trends in the matter, in the sense of their transformation from solid fossil fuel (coal) to liquid fossil fuel (natural gas), as a transition resource towards a green economy, in compliance with the European Ecological Pact;
  • Investments still need to be made in the expansion of the electricity transmission network in order to increase the interconnection capacity with neighboring states and to be able to take over the additional electricity production capacity from new or renewable sources;
  • In the field of natural gas, investments must be made in the expansion of the transmission and distribution network, with an emphasis on the implementation of intelligent transmission and distribution networks and the exploitation of new internal and external sources of natural gas;

On October 7, 2022, a Project of the Energy Strategy of Romania 2022-2030 was published, with the perspective of 2050, after many years of sterile debates regarding the updating of the energy strategy. It was then discussed about the adoption of the strategy by Government Decision or approval by law in the Parliament and even about a political pact in energy until 2026, but it was not approved.

Now they are again discussing a new update of the National Energy Strategy, which will take into account the new domestic and international developments and the review and approval of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Change Plan.

The energy field is complex, with powerful companies, both state and private, which complicated the development of a long-term vision. The companies in the field have made investments, but they develop according to their own strategies and are often affected by political and legislative changes, but also by crises, with administrative decisions that have affected the market.

In addition, the decisions taken at the level of the European Union (Green Deal) raise new challenges for Romania in the objective of ensuring its energy security, thus paying the price for the delay in reforms and investments.

That is why the energy path must be reanalyzed in accordance with the new domestic and international situation, and the present event aims to update information, stimulate debates and bring energy to your home primarily from an informative point of view.


  • Romania’s energy strategy 2022-2030, with the perspective of 2050. When will it be updated and submitted for approval? Review and approval of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Change Plan.
  • Increasing the production, transport and storage capacity of energy. What are the plans of the state and the companies? Investments.
  • The role of natural gas from the Black Sea in ensuring Romania’s energy security. Projects in the field of natural gas.
  • Liberalization vs. Regulation – What will the market be like after exiting the regulated model? Settlement of debts to suppliers.
  • Nuclear energy included in the green transition – The importance of the nuclear industry in achieving Net Zero objectives.
  • Renewable energy (wind, solar, alternatives to conventional sources). How much green energy will we have in 2026? What problems must be overcome?
  • The future of energy: new technologies. Digitization in the energy sector. What investments are needed?

LIVE on Profit News TV, www.news.ro and Facebook News.ro

Date: 20 May 2024

Where: Event LIVE on Profit News TV, www.profit.ro and Facebook.com/profit.ro

Moderators: Cristian Dimitriu, Partener Plurivox and Moise Guran, Economic Journalist

09:00-09:30 – Registration of participants & Welcome coffee

09:35-09:35 – Opening speech – Cristian Dimitriu – Plurivox Partner

09:35-09:45 – Opening speech – Sebastian Burduja – Minister of Energy

09:45-11:15 – Panel I

Pavel Casian Niţulescu – Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy

Karoly Borbely – CEO, Hidroelectrica

Răzvan Popescu – CEO, Romgaz

Cristian Secoşan – General Manager, Delgaz Grid

Daniel Apostol – Director General, Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation (FPPG)

Silvia Vlăsceanu – Executive Director, Association of Electric Energy Producers (HENRO)

Dumitru Chisăliţă – President, Intelligent Energy Association (AEI)

11:15-11:30 – Coffee break

11:30-13:00 – Panel II

George Niculescu – President, National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)

Laurentiu Urluescu – President, Association of Energy Suppliers of Romania (AFEER)

Radu Dudău – Executive Director, Energy Policy Group

Liviu Gavrilă – Vice-President, Romanian Wind Energy Association (RWEA)

Raluca Covrig – Director of Public Affairs & Communication, FPPG

Cristi Secrieru – Partner, AS & Partners

Andrei Manea – Executive Director, Romanian Photovoltaic Industry Association (RPIA)

Dan Pîrsan – President, Association of Prosumers and Energy Communities (APCE)

13:00-14:00 – Business Lunch

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