Profit Event – The second winter of the energy war – 7th Edition

The Romanian and European energy industry is preparing for a new winter with challenges. And although Europe appears significantly better prepared for the 2023-2024 cold season than it was for the previous one, uncertainties remain both on the supply side and especially on the price side. In Romania, one of the great unknowns is how long the current price ceiling scheme for final consumers will work, when and how it will be modified in accordance with the requirements of the European Union legislation and guidelines. This is in addition to the financial burden borne by the state budget and suppliers. Closely related to the capping, there are also uncertainties regarding the mechanism for the centralized purchase of energy at a regulated price of 450 lei/MWh imposed on the main local producers, regarding which the European Commission has initiated an infringement procedure. At the same time, Romania is in full investment momentum on multiple levels of the energy sector. Preparations for the exploitation of the largest natural gas field in the Black Sea entered the straight line and significant hydrocarbon discoveries were also announced in onshore fields. But we do not know how long and under what conditions the use of fossil fuels will be allowed in the EU. Numerous new renewable energy production facility projects are also being announced, and the number of prosumers has grown tremendously and is expected to continue to grow. To maintain the balance, however, these increases must be combined with the strengthening of the transmission and distribution networks and with the updating of primary legislation and secondary and tertiary regulations.

Panel 1: Caps, regulation and overtaxation versus energy and gas investment

  • The up-to-date status of the system of capping/regulating prices, overtaxing producers/traders and compensating suppliers;
  • What does the wholesale free energy and gas markets look like now;
  • The big Romanian gas exploitation projects from the Black Sea: Neptun Deep – after the final investment decision, Midia – after more than a year of production;
  • The energy investment plans of the gas producers; Prospects for further tightening of energy and gas taxation.

Panel 2: The Romanian energy system, between the ambition of decarbonisation and the imperative of supply security and accessibility

  • How do we balance the development of renewable energy production with the need to strengthen and modernize distribution networks;
  • Classic energy producers face to face with the need to ″green″ the generation portfolio;
  • Let’s not forget who we produce for: the position of large consumers towards the latest legislative and market developments;
  • Prosumers: What should be changed in legislation and procedures;
  • Will Romania manage to absorb the massive non-refundable EU funds intended to decarbonize the energy system?

The event will be LIVE on Profit News TV, and Facebook

Date: 19 October 2023

Where: LIVE on Profit News TV, and Facebook

Whith whom? Moderator: Adrian Moșoianu – journalist

09.00-09.30 Registration of participants & Welcome coffee

09.00-09.05 Opening speech – Adrian Moșoianu – Editor

09.05-10.30 – Panel 1: Ceilings, regulation and overtaxation versus investments in energy and gas Natural gas

• Dan Drăgan – Secretary of State, Ministry of Energy

• Daniela Dărăban – Executive Director, Federation of Associations of Energy Utilities Companies (ACUE)

• Cristi Secrieru – Partner, Artenie, Secrieru and Partners

• Mark Beacom – CEO, Black Sea Oil & Gas

• Daniel Apostol – Director General, Oil and Gas Employers’ Federation (FPPG)

• Roxana Mircea – Managing Partner, REI Grup

10:30–10:45 – Panel I: Coffee Break

10.45-12.00 – Panel II: Panel 2: The Romanian energy system, between the ambition of decarbonisation and the imperative of supply security and accessibility

• Cristian Secoșan – General Manager, Delgaz Grid

• Claudiu Crețu – Director General, Electrocentrale Bucharest (ELCEN)

• Silvia Vlăsceanu – Executive Director, Association of Electric Energy Producers (HENRO)

• Theodor Livinschi – Vice President, Association of Romanian Energy Consumer Companies

• Daniela Dărăban – Executive Director, Federation of Associations of Energy Utilities Companies (ACUE)

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