Profit Event – X-ray of health expenditure – XIIIth Edition


    • The truth about money for health. Absences. Good deal. Waste.
    • The approach to the problem of money allocated to the health system remains an extremely delicate one. So is dealing with expenses or funds that are wasted.
    • On the one hand, there is talk of increasing amounts allocated from one year to the next. And, that’s right. But at the same time expenses have also increased.
    • How much of health spending contributes to improving people’s health. Or how much of these expenses bring good health outcomes or how many bring poorer outcomes.
    • There are experts around the world who say that significantly less could be spent on health care with no impact on health system performance or health outcomes. But, they still score, if you call things by name. If the truth about waste, about unjustified expenses, were recognized.
    • According to managers, doctors, patients, companies, the funds for health are totally insufficient, the system is still underfunded today, shortages in hospitals are perpetuated, and patients
    • spend a lot of money out of their pockets for medicines, tests, investigations, in short – to stay alive.

    • In this context, the instability of the health system, due to the money allocated through budget corrections, which does not cover the needs of the system for a year, makes it impossible to plan priorities, investments, any project in the medium and long term. Are there strategies for actually evaluating spending, limiting inefficient spending and waste, where they exist, if they are not openly acknowledged.
    • Patients demand funding for at least three years, which will help medical services and 9% for Health, below the European average of 10% of GDP.


    PANEL 1 – The circuit of money in the health system: untold truths

    • Does the money from 2024 last for the whole year? Will there be a need for budgetary rectification? Can we openly talk about inefficient spending and, implicitly, waste? Where exactly? Solutions. Strategies.

    PANEL 2 – Hospitals, Medicines, Investments

    • The state of health of Romanians is, as some surveys show, relatively good and good. Access to state-of-the-art, life-saving drugs is difficult, the same surveys show. “The health of Romanians is not an expense, it is an investment in society and in the economy”, recently stated the president of ARPIM, Cecilia Radu.
    • How can patients with cardiovascular disease be helped, this disease placing Romania in a leading position in terms of incidence and mortality. How can obesity, chronic kidney disease or mental illness be effectively treated, if there are syncopes in drug supply, if hospitals are still severely understaffed.
    • The reality in hospitals

    Event LIVE on Profit News TV, and

Date: 1 April 2024

Location: Event LIVE on Profit News TV, and

Moderator: Elvira Gheorghiță

09.30-09.35 – Opening speech PROFIT.RO – Elvira Gheorghiță

09.45-11.00Panel 1 – The circuit of money in the health system: untold truths

Conf. Dr. Diana Loreta Păun – Presidential Advisor, Presidential Administration

Conf. Univ. Dr. Carmen Orban – General Manager, Monza Group

Prof. Dr. Alexandru Rafila – Minister of Health

Dr. Nelu Tătaru – President, Health and Family Committee, Chamber of Deputies

Luca Niculescu – Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alin Marius Andries – Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Finance

Dr. Valeria Herdea – President, National Health Insurance House (CNAS)

Mihai Fugarevici – General Manager, STADA Romania

Radu Gănescu – President, Coalition of Organizations of Patients with Chronic Diseases in Romania (COPAC)

11.00-12.30Panel 2 – The circuit of money in the health system: untold truths

Alin Marius Andries – Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Finance

Prof. Dr. Adriana Pistol – Secretary of State, Ministry of Health

Dr. Valeria Herdea – President, National Health Insurance House (CNAS)

Florentina Păncescu – Head of Neurology and Operations East Europe, UCB Pharma Romania

Cătălin Radu – General Manager, Bristol-Myers Squibb Romania

Ioana Stoenescu – External Affairs, Market Access and Reputation Lead, Roche

Radu Gănescu – President, Coalition of Organizations of Patients with Chronic Diseases in Romania (COPAC)

12.30-12.45COFFEE BREAK

11.00-12.30Panel 2 – Hospitals, Medicines, Investments

Valentin-Florin Ciocan – President, National Authority for Quality Management in Health (ANMCS)

Prof. Dr. Cristian Vlădescu – Director General, National School of Public Health and Health Management

Prof. Dr. Anca Coliță – Manager, Fundeni Clinical Institute

Constantin Poiana – Manager, “Prof. Dr. Eduard Apetrei” Buhuși

Prof. Dr. Simin Aysel Florescu – Manager, Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases Dr. Victor Babeș

Livia Stan – Policy and Market Access Director, MSD Romania

Dan Zaharescu – Executive Director, Romanian Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, ARPIM

14:00-15:00Business Lunch

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