GALA – Stories with Profit – Made in Romania 2024

GALA Stories with Profit – Made in Romania Annual Gala – Stories with Profit…made in Romania – EDITION 2023 proposed to celebrate its anniversary with partners and friends, entrepreneurs and managers, organizing a Gala in which awards people who bring value to the economy and society day by day, through the activity carried out. So far, the awards have gone to top managers and successful Romanian companies, which have developed domestic brands and managed to impose themselves on the markets, awarded according to criteria that focused on the evolution of the business, the value of the business, the notoriety of the brand, the expansion in new markets. Profit stories In a difficult market, several entrepreneurs and top managers have developed Romanian brands with businesses worth billions of lei. Vision and innovation have helped them compete in their markets with multinationals that have far greater resources for promotion and growth.

PROFIT.RO AWARDS: successful entrepreneurs and top managers who wrote profitable stories… Made in Romania

We tell stories with profit… Made in Romania

  • How does a brand survive in a period of crises that it cannot control, from the sanitary zone or caused by armed conflicts? What was the most difficult moment in business? What would he do differently if he had the chance?
  • What are the stories behind the businesses that managed to reinvent themselves, what lessons can they teach other entrepreneurs?
  • How can innovation differentiate you in a volatile economic and social environment? What special challenges arise for investment?
  • How do you get involved in helping the community so that you also have an impact?
  • How can you finance yourself in the crisis? How hard is it to win new contracts and access to new markets?
  • How can a strong Romanian brand help both a local business and the national economy?
  • What opportunities can Romanian brands find, in the current complicated context, to expand across borders?

AWARD: Excellence. The vision. Professionalism…

…to people who not only imagine the future, but dare to shape it with their own strength. Millions of employees benefit from their energy and the products and services brought to the market improve people’s everyday lives. The root of their thinking is concern for the future and the ambition to shape it according to their own desires and dreams. Their stories can be a source of inspiration for those who want such a professional path, and in this context, awards 10 Romanian entrepreneurs and managers who stood at the head of the “platoon” and wrote beautiful business stories.

Selection criteria:

  • Innovations and ideas that solved problems or covered needs in the new difficult economic context;
  • Solutions to adapt and reinvent the business in an environment full of uncertainty;
  • Social involvement and impact on the community in times of crisis;
  • Agility in business decisions;
  • Investments inspired in the new economic and social context;
  • The evolution of financial indicators, evaluated in the context of market pressures;
  • Important transactions made;
  • Expansion into new markets.

LIVE on the Profit News TV, and Facebook

Date: 5 November 2025

Where: Hotel JW Marriott, Grand HotelGrand Ballroom

Number of participants: 250-300

  • 19:00-19:30 – Welcome guests
  • 19:30-19:35 – Welcome Speech
  • 19:35-21:00 – Gala Povești cu Profit… made in Romania
  • 21:00-22:00 – Cocktail & networking

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Eroare: Toate campurile sunt obligatorii!

The confirmation of participation can be made by 30 October 2023.

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